An image of Myra Hindley has been used to defend Jeremy Young, who was recently investigated by Bradford police and "other agencies" over numerous sexual remarks he made about his stillborn baby.
His supporters superimposed an image of award winning blogger Mike Hitchen, known for raising awareness of child welfare issues, on to a photograph of Myra Hindley - the notorious child sex killer.
Young's supporters who include author Jill Havern, herself the subject of a complaint with West Midlands Police and the Driving Standards Agency (due to unethical conduct) have also targeted two other high profile child welfare campaigners - both known to UK media.
Their methods which are becoming increasingly organised and sophisticated, have included the use of "spoof" blogs containing sexual references and images; self-confessed hoax calls to New South Wales police, the hacking of forums and abusive spam.
Monday, March 31, 2008
Myra Hindley used to defend "stillborn baby" sicko Jeremy Young

Sunday, March 30, 2008
Who is protecting Jeremy Young, the Bradford sicko - and why?
Jeremy Young, a housing association tenant who caused widespread concern over sexual remarks he made about his stillborn baby daughter, has been investigated by the Child and Public Protection Unit, Bradford. The investigation was confirmed by both the police and the NSPCC. Due to Data Protection, no other details were provided.
Young, a hoax blogger who goes under the name of "trannyfattyacid" made a number of references describing sex acts with his stillborn baby. Because of this and several other references to sex between children and parents, there was widespread concern for his new baby.
Young also alleges that well known and widely respected Australian blogger Mike Hitchen, aims to have the new child taken away from Young and his wife. He fails to point out that it is not the action of one man on the other side of the world that would cause that to happen - only the actions of himself and/or his wife.
Which makes you wonder why he is so afraid.
Afraid to the extent that Young and his supporters, in an organised and increasingly systemised attempt to discredit those who are known to raise awareness of child expoitation issues, attack the blogs of anyone connected with Mike Hitchen, flooding them with abusive comments, unwanted email notifications of posts and posting altered images of the bloggers on spoof blogs and selling vulgar T shirts adorned with my image.
I am not their only target. They have also attacked two people who are well known to British media and child protection agencies for their public profile on child welfare issues.
Just who - and what - are these people protecting?
One of Young's supporters - Jill Havern a discredited author and operator of the Freeway Driving School in Copston Grove, Birmingham, is also the subject of a police complaint, following an admitted hoax call to New South Wales police. Investigating officers described the pair as "sick nutters"
Havern has been banned from several online forums for abuse, intimidation and posting of other people's personal information.
Within a short time of being investigated, Young and/or his supporters flooded the message boards of Bradford Community Broadcasting and Beehive Poet's Society, with abusive posts aimed against Mike Hitchen.
It's interesting to note that child protection agencies and Bradford Police, allow those who raise concerns about child welfare issues to be openly intimidated - even though the matter was bought to their attention. It would certainly make concerned members of the public think twice before reporting their concerns.
However, I am not one to be intimidated. When you run a successful farm, you don't listen to the noise of the chooks as they scratch around in the dirt and their own crap. Which is why I'm still here - stronger than ever.
Again I ask - what are these people protecting or hiding?
Hopefully Young, who lives in an area normally reserved for substance abusers and who is now openly soliciting donations on a number of spoof blogs containing adult related images and content, will be closely monitored by child protection agencies so that the new child is not exploited by Young, in the same way suffered by his daughter.
The last thing Britain needs, is yet another avoidable tragedy involving a child.

Monday, March 17, 2008
Risk Assessment
Jeremy Young.
You write a lot about mental illness.
You write a lot about still born babies - in great detail.
You write about sexual acts with your daughter.
You write about relationships between a seven year old and his mother.
You write about porn on your PC.
You publish a blog known for its vulgarity and obscenities.
You and your ilk are behind a spoof blog containing pornographic images
It's been reported that you are prescribed medication but you don't take it.
My own blog has a large international audience, yet the only ones complaining about me are a small band of British - like a club.
If you tried to adopt a baby - what do you think your chances would be?
You would be considered a risk. You are Michael Jackson and Britney Spears rolled into one.
You display all the elements to be considered "high risk".
Is your own child any safer?
How many more warning signs are needed?

Friday, March 14, 2008
This is how Young and his supporters try to attack a private forum. They use Reflected Networks. Wikipedia has this to say about the IP Address they use: This IP address has been blocked because it is believed to be an open proxy or zombie computer.
I have deleted the passowrd/member name they tried to use and replaced it with ****
Sorry, but you did not answer your question correctly. Please click back to try again, or click back twice to use the default method of obtaining your password.
?action=reminder;sa=secret2 Yesterday at 10:57:09pm Guest Sorry, but you did not answer your question correctly. Please click back to try again, or click back twice to use the default method of obtaining your password.
?action=reminder;sa=secret2 Yesterday at 10:57:29pm Guest Sorry, but you did not answer your question correctly. Please click back to try again, or click back twice to use the default method of obtaining your password.
?action=reminder;sa=secret2 Yesterday at 10:58:29pm Guest Password incorrect - *****
?PHPSESSID=914efbb0d91bcb928b9fbcced4b0e2ba&action=login2 Yesterday at 10:59:11pm Guest Password incorrect - ****
?action=login2 Yesterday at 10:59:19pm Guest Sorry, but you did not answer your question correctly. Please click back to try again, or click back twice to use the default method of obtaining your password.
?action=reminder;sa=secret2 Yesterday at 11:01:50pm Guest Sorry, but you did not answer your question correctly. Please click back to try again, or click back twice to use the default method of obtaining your password.
?action=reminder;sa=secret2 Yesterday at 11:02:02pm Guest Sorry, but you did not answer your question correctly. Please click back to try again, or click back twice to use the default method of obtaining your password.
?action=reminder;sa=secret2 Yesterday at 11:05:06pm

Robbing a child of her dignity and robbing the people of West Yorkshire
Jeremy Young lives in a housing association flat. One would assume the accommodation is subsidised. I wonder how Bradford ratepayers would feel knowing their hard earned money helps fund Young's dedication to his obscene blog where not even his own daughter is safe from sexual degradation.
Just think people of Bradford, while you are out working, Young is hunched over a porn laden PC, (according to his own poem) planning and carrying out attacks on other bloggers - people who speak out against what he himself practices - the exploitation of children. It takes a lot of time to post comments under other people's names and stalk targets as they leave comments on other blogs - blogs he and the likes of Jill Havern, a driving instructor from Birmingham, (who is well versed in stalking), then attack. His targets can not even leave a comment on a photoblog without that blog being his next victim.
Does he declare the income he gets from a blog that is so loaded with Amazon adverts and PayPal donation buttons, that it takes half an hour to open the ruddy thing? If you believe his boasts about the number of visitors to his blog, this would be a very lucrative additional income stream - especially if it is undeclared.
Young robbed his daughter of her dignity and he robs those in Bradford who work hard and don't publicly degrade their children - people quite different to himself.
Young is a man of many agendas and very few scruples. But "aint the welfare state wonderful".