Supporters of Jeremy Young of Bradford, currently under investigation by West Yorkshire Police and the Independent Police Complaints Commission, claimed that West Yorkshire Police and a Bradford MP were responsible for the removal of my blogs on Young and his cohorts. As I pointed out this is hardly likely. However, not being trained to think things through the person making the claim used the following statement as proof -
"Thanks also to the Bradford MP who also got involved to help fight Jeremy Young's corner"
I have written to Gerry Sutcliffe, MP for Young's constituency and received a response from Mick Swales.
"We do not have anyone of that name on our database and have no record of any dealings with anyone of that name."
In other words, yet again Young and his cohorts have been caught out in lies. How many lies have you told Young? How many lies did you tell to Bradford Social Services and Bradford Child Protection unit?
Sgt Travis at Bradford South and the IPCC have been informed of the false claims not only about the MP but also the actions of West Yorkshire Police. An email pointing out the abuse of an esteemed public office has also been sent to the Home Office.
Tuesday, June 17, 2008
British MP has had no dealings with Jeremy Young, the Bradford pervert

Monday, June 16, 2008
Claims British MP used his influence to defend man at centre of police investigation
It has been claimed that a British MP actively intervened and used his influence to defend a man who is at the centre of police investigations into alleged harassment. The following statement appeared on a blog created by supporters of Jeremy Young - a man who has repeatedly described others wishing to masturbate over images of hiss stillborn baby - images he writes about being kept "among the porn on my pc".
"Thanks also to the Bradford MP who also got involved to help fight Jeremy Young's corner."
Along with his supporters, Young has been reported to police in three countries for systemised harassment of those involved in raising awareness of child welfare issues. The harassment includes spoof blogs using sexually offensive material - including the use of images of babies taken without permission from an NSPCC awareness campaign, obscenely altered photographs of a 75 year old woman - who was the admitted target of a hoax complaint with New South Wales Police, and the public ridicule of a British teacher and her school by posting a fake article involving sexual activity.
If the claim is true, the question must be asked why an MP in a city dubbed "the city of missing children" would intervene to protect a man at the centre of investigations by West Yorkshire Police and the Independent Police Complaints Commission.
I have contacted the MP for Young's constituency to allow him the opportunity to confirm or deny such a serious allegation of misuse of public office. Details of the claim have also been sent to The Home Office for comment.

Saturday, June 14, 2008
Jeremy does a runner aided by fabricated police statements
This was posted on one of the many spoof blogs created in my name. The statements they make concerning West Yorkshire Police are untrue. I have received NO SUCH instruction from West Yorkshire Police. It is the second time they have fabricated statements by West Yorkshire Police. Both Sgt Alan Travis at Bradford South, and the IPCC who are investigating, have been informed.
Silence is Golden
I think we can now safely say that exposing the 'hidden agenda' of Mike Hitchen as the 'Pervert who exploited, and cashed in on, Madeleine McCann' - as opposed to his self-proclaimed mission of being 'The Voice for Madeleine McCann' - has been worthwhile. It is now apparent what his agenda was - money.
He saw a golden opportunity to make money from the tragedy of a 3 year old girl, and he grabbed it with both hands. As he was being 'exposed' he turned his humiliation into a hate campaign involving innocent people and babies in order to try to drag them down with him.
First he had his website suspended until he removed all libellous and offensive material. And now he's been told to clean up his blog. He's almost complied with the police request by removing all but one of his libellous blogs, as he clings on to the last remaining thread of what's left of his dignity after being publicly exposed and humiliated.
Just a little more persuasion by West Yorkshire Police to Hitchen to finish his cleaning task and I think we will see the end of this hate campaign. Jeremy will also work on having all the filth about him removed from the internet, for the sake of his baby son, but that will take time. The McCanns have been informed of Hitchen's activities, and what they do about him selling their daughters trademarked name is their business.
Thank you West Yorkshire Police. Thanks also to the Bradford MP who also got involved to help fight Jeremy Young's corner.
Thank you, also, to everyone else who contributed to these blogs to help rid the internet of the hideous hate campaign against Jeremy and his babies, JKH, and Jane Freer, which was instigated by Mike Hitchen and finished by us.
Unless anything else happens - such as the publication of the video about Jeremy's stillborn baby - these blogs will remain here until such time as Hitchen removes all libel from the internet, but they won't be updated as there is no point in rattling Hitchen's cage. The maggot has gone underground where he belongs and we consider his silence a victory.
His blog and secret forum are pretty much defunct. He has been told to behave and I hope he does.
If not, we will be back.
Thank you,
Blog Owner
As I said, I have not received any request from West Yorkshire Police. The only request I received was from Bravenet, the host of my business website. Young and his cohorts made numerous references to my business website and URL, and I felt I had the right to address those allegations. I am currently discussing the situation with Bravenet's legal department.
What they also fail to mention is that they had been pulling their spoof blogs for some time before I decided to delete a few blogs that I had created to tell the true story of young and his children.
As for Young working on removing what he describes as "filth" about him - bullshit. The only thing remaining are the blogs. Blogger will not remove content without a court order. As for West Yorkshire Police ordering me to remove content - I live in Sydney. I hardly think a neighbourhood watch desk jockey has jurisdiction in New South Wales..
My will not be removed - but I can't make the same guarantee about the son whose welfare is a grave concern to many.

Friday, June 6, 2008
Jeremy Young, Bradford's "stillborn baby sicko" - the video
A new video documentary will soon be launched detailing the true story of Jeremy Young's stillborn baby. It is a story of betrayal by both Young and his wife - a woman so inadequate and so unconcerned about her children, that she sat back and watched as Young, the caring father, described in lurid detail others "wanking" over the image of his dead baby. Not the sort of remark I would expect from a father - even one with a chemically eroded brain - and not the sort of support one would expect from a devoted mother.
This is the same man who in between taking bizarre photographs of a dead baby, (one has to wonder why considering his use of child porn in online campaigns against bloggers) writing poems about mental disorders, a seven year old boy having "experience" with his mother (who was the boy and who was the mother Jeremy?) and children being "belted" by drunken fathers, wrote about drinking wine while pulling his daughter's image from "among the porn on my PC".
It is the story of the incompetence of West Yorkshire police. The same police force so heavily criticised for their mishandling of the Shannon Matthews case were happy to ignore the use of child porn because it was put in the "too hard basket" by officers who plead ignorance of the law as a cop out. Concern for Young's new born child was dismissed by both the police and Britain's notoriously inefficient social services. It was a Yorkshire social services department that boasted they had monitored Shannon "very, very closely until the day she disappeared"? We all know how effective that strategy was don't we?
Bradford was described on Australian radio as the city of missing children. questions were asked about how so many children could go missing without the education department, police or social services, doing anything about it. That's easy to answer. Total incompetence and indifference.
Britain has a dark history of child abuse and child neglect, and Jeremy Young is a man who continues to exploit his daughter for his own agenda, aided and abetted by
* a man whose blog is adorned with an image of a penis and littered with the C word
* A discredited author and discredited driving instructor whose driving school business directory entry was suddenly filled with glowing testimonials from people who would have had to fly to Selly Oak for a lesson
* Those who hid behind me while I did what they lacked the courage to do themselves.
* A graphic designer from Swansea banned from almost every forum for attacking those who question the McCanns, and who is allegedly known to Robert Murat's lawyers for similar tactics. It is she who is reported to be behind the fake i On Global Trends entry naming a teacher and her school, as being involved in a sex scandal.
In other words, a rag-tag army of life's rejected and life's losers. It is no wonder so many decent professional people have concerns for the safety and welfare of his new born son.