September 2009

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Update - Bradford police and Jeremy Young

Posted 15 Sept, 2008

For several months myself and other innocent victims have been the victims of a systemised hate campaign led by Jeremy Young.

The hate campaign has been investigated by West Yorkshire Police, who also acted in response to my complaint lodged with the Independent Police Complaints Commission (IPCC)

Young and his supporters have made statements they claim were made by Bradford police, alleging that I am a known sex offender and child pervert. They also claimed that Young's MP, (who would be Gerry Sutcliffe), acted on Jeremy Young's behalf to have my blogs closed down.

Both statements are false - the response from Sutcliffe's office can be seen here.

I have received two responses from Inspector Zahid Khan, Neighbourhood Policing Team (NPT 5), (Little Horton & Great Horton Wards) Bradford South Division - both are published in their entirety - something that is easily confirmed.

I have taken this step in response to the following email from someone calling themselves Victor Victorious, who in typical fashion hides behind a dubious ISP.

Thanks for updating your website with the hate campaign information, very timely that was. It would be interesting to actually see the ENTIRE content of the correspondence from Inspector Khan since the way you've put it is slightly misleading. But I think his attention has already been drawn to your site so maybe he will be able to provide more information if it's beyond you to do so.

The only parts omitted in my original post were the detailed complaints procedure, and the line: "I hope this update meets your needs" - a reference to my request that West Yorkshire police provide me with a statement I could publish to address the false allegations.

The first states quite clearly -

Dear Mr Hitchen
Thank you for bringing this to my attention. I am the investigating officer for your complaint.

I have already spoken to the two officers identified in your letter. Both officer have informed me that they wrote the letter to yourself with the best of intentions and not in any way to accuse you of any criminal act.

It was not meant to subdue your expression of thought or communication but more as a means of updating your self around the concerns you raised about Mr Young.

I can certainly appreciate your perception upon receipt of this correspondence.

I am now in a position to be guided by your views on this complaint.

The two officers have been given feedback on this subject and are now fully aware of the importance of clarity and perception when communicating in this manner.

If you are satisfied with the action taken thus far then this matter will be finalised however if you wish to continue it further then the next step is a process named the Resolution of complaint procedure.

This procedure involves me recording the specifics of your complaint on a form, together with an explanation from the officers. You are then asked to sign this form whereupon the complaint is resolved at a local level. I can send you this form if you select this option.

If again you are not happy with this approach then the final option is to
request that this complaint is investigated directly by the Police
Complaints department.

I will be pleased to deal with this matter in accordance with your direction and to your satisfaction.

I am looking forward to your reply.

Yours Sincerely

Inspector Zahid Khan
Neighbourhood Policing Team (NPT 5)
(Little Horton & Great Horton Wards)
Bradford South Division
Trafalgar House
Nelson Street
Bradford, BD5 0DX

The second response gives further details -

Dear Mr Hitchen
Thank you for your comprehensive and detailed reply, firstly I would like to apologise for the delay in responding to the concerns you have raised in the below message, I have only just returned from leave.

I would like to attempt to restore some of your faith in the Police by elaborating on the below points.

1 - Failure to adequately investigate a complaint.
2 - Failure to address statements made by Young and his supporters claiming
to have been made by West Yorkshire Police.

As a result of your information Mr Young was interviewed by my officers, the social services and our CPPU (Child & Public Protection Unit). During this process he was also questioned around all aspects of your complaint including harassment and making false allegations.

At the conclusion of this interview process the available evidence was presented to the CPS who then made a decision around prosecution.

I know from your correspondence that you felt that the Police did not react to your concerns. I can confirm that this is not the case as the Police did react in a positive manner.

3- In the event of further Harassment

Mr Hitchen I hope that you do not suffer any further problems however in the likelihood of further incidents I would like to reassure you that West Yorkshire Police is an organisation which prides itself on delivering a quality service in all areas of our business and any future calls from
yourself will be logged and investigated.

I hope this update meets your needs.


Inspector Zahid Khan
Neighbourhood Policing Team (NPT 5)
(Little Horton & Great Horton Wards)
Bradford South Division
Trafalgar House
Nelson Street
Bradford, BD5 0DX

Anyone who has any doubts about the authenticity of the responses or my character can contact Inspector Khan:

Young lives in housing association accommodation in Horton, a run-down suburb of Bradford.. He is the doting father who repeatedly proved just how loving he is by publicly describing myself and others committing sex acts with his alleged stillborn daughter - a child whose photo in his own words, he keeps amongst the porn on his PC. - and whose image he was prepared to publish on a blog rated 'R' by an online classification service.

Young seems to like writing about children and sex - he has done so several times - while his supporters have a penchant for altering innocent images and text into pornography and making hoax phone calls to police alleging I beat my mother - a hoax admitted on Young's blog.

With Jermy Young's knowledge and support they also used a photogrpah of a baby taken from the NSPCC website and used it in a sexual manner on one of many spoof porn blogs designed to look as though it had been published by myself..

Not content with sexually exploiting his own child, he and his supporters were quite happy to sexually exploit others. The NSPCC were informed but despite the blatant misuse of their intellectual property, took no action - thereby failing to protect the child whose image was used.

Comments have been posted to newspapers using my name or a name intended to mislead others into thinking I was the author of the comment. A recent example is a comment to The New Statesman.

In most environments such actions would ring alarm bells with authorities regarding the welfare of his alleged new born child.However, we are talking about West Yorkshire, an area where incompetence and inaction in such matters is well documented. In fact Bradford was dubbed in overseas media as the, "city of missing children".

Young also confirmed to West Yorkshire police that his campaign took priority over his family. Yet as you can see, the safety of Young's child - and the actions of Young himself, were placed in the "too hard basket".

Other victims include those who like myself and unlike Young and his cronies, have a long standing, proven track record in raising awareness of child exploitation and child welfare issues. Some of his targets are the parents of missing children, as well as teachers, child care workers, and the office of a Midlands solicitor.

Is it a coincidence that Jeremy Young and those who support a man who gleefully writes about others wanting to masturbate on images of his alleged stillborn baby, have chosen such people as targets?

As for being "closed down" as you can see, both myself and the blogs are still standing - a situation that is not going to change. I prefer to leave running away to those who live in social environments where lies and cowardice are called - tradition.

A tradition that Young and his followers embrace with consummate ease,

Other useful links are -

Identifying A Child At Risk - the Jeremy Young Files

Email to West Yorkshire Police re Jeremy Young's activities



Bradford Social Services

Gerry Sutcliffe MP