Supporters of Jeremy Young of Bradford, currently under investigation by West Yorkshire Police and the Independent Police Complaints Commission, claimed that West Yorkshire Police and a Bradford MP were responsible for the removal of my blogs on Young and his cohorts. As I pointed out this is hardly likely. However, not being trained to think things through the person making the claim used the following statement as proof -
"Thanks also to the Bradford MP who also got involved to help fight Jeremy Young's corner"
I have written to Gerry Sutcliffe, MP for Young's constituency and received a response from Mick Swales.
"We do not have anyone of that name on our database and have no record of any dealings with anyone of that name."
In other words, yet again Young and his cohorts have been caught out in lies. How many lies have you told Young? How many lies did you tell to Bradford Social Services and Bradford Child Protection unit?
Sgt Travis at Bradford South and the IPCC have been informed of the false claims not only about the MP but also the actions of West Yorkshire Police. An email pointing out the abuse of an esteemed public office has also been sent to the Home Office.
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