Supporters of Bradford's stillborn baby pervert attack teacher

Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Supporters of Bradford's stillborn baby pervert attack teacher

The latest tactic by the supporters of Bradford child pervert Jeremy Young and his wife, is an attack on a teacher - revealing personal information and a false claim that well known Australian blogger Mike Hitchen, had been accused of criminal activity by Bradford police.

It is the latest is a long series of attacks targeting those who raise awareness of child welfare issues - including the blogs of two high profile activists well known to and respected by the British media, for their work in highlighting deficiencies in the child protection system.

The question has to be asked - what is the real agenda behind these attacks - and why are Young and his supporters so afraid that they resort to proveable lies and intimidation?

Incidentally Young, how is your newborn baby - the one so many people have concerns for? Have you written about people masturbating over his image the same way as you did about your stillborn baby? If you do, will that too have the approval of your wife - the childs mother? Perhaps as with your daughter, you will as you said yourself, pull his picture "from among the porn on my PC".

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